Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why should I rent a Safe Deposit Locker?
It is a convenient place to store important and valuable items that would be difficult or impossible to replace. The safe deposit locker also offers privacy and security. Although many people like to keep valuables in there own custody by in a closet at home or in an office, these places probably are not very safe.

What items should we kept into a Safe Deposit locker?
Important papers such as originals of your insurance policy, birth/marriage/death certificates, property documents/original deeds/mortgage contracts. Other valuables such as special jewels, medals, collectable items and irreplaceable photos, video or pictures of your home contents for insurance purposes, etc.

Can I arrange for someone to access my Safe Deposit Locker in an emergency?
Yes. You can jointly rent your Locker with a spouse, child or another person who will have unrestricted access to the Locker. (Caution: merely giving someone else a key will not be enough to grant access. They must sign a rental contract as a joint – hirer.)

Can law enforcement authorities access my Safe Deposit Locker without my knowledge or permission?
If the law enforcement authorities have reason to belive that there is a reasonable cause to suspect that you are hiding something illegal (firearms, drugs, explosives, stolen items or cash), they can obtain a court order, have right to open the locker and seize the contents thereof.

What will happen if my key is lost?
In the case of any keys being lost or stolen please inform us immediately. Please note that you must pay the charges for opening and replacement of lock. An appointment is prebooked with Godrej and you will be informed of the date and time which usually takes 4-7 working days. A person from Godrej will come and break open the locker in your presence on that given date and time, for which your presence is mendatory. The whole process takes unto one hour and the locks will be changed and you will be provided with a new set of keys.

What happens in the case of death of sole hirer any one or of the hires?
Contents of your locker will be frozen until proper authorization is provided by the nominee/surviving hirer to obtain access to your locker with a copy of death certificate of the hirer and nominee/custodian must provide an ID proof along with the member's proof of address.

What if the locker is transferred through a will?
In City Vaults, Nomination is mandatory. However, incase of nominee not surviving at the time of death of hirer(s) the beneficiary nominee needs to get a certificate of succession from the court.

What happens if I default on my rent?
You would be charged interest and late payment charges along with other administrative charges. However, if a default is over three years the management has the right to break open your locker and dispose off the contents of your locker to recover the dues of City Vaults and there after return the balance money to you.

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